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My people know that i'm a hardcore reality tv junkie. We can go as far back to the first season of The Real World or talk about how Flavor of Love has yet to be outdone in debaucherous bufoonery. I take that back...Jersey Shore was MTV's response to FOL. lol. anyway, i digress...

A few months ago one of my aunt's mentioned that my favorite, baby cousin was filming a reality show. i wasn't surprised because she had been modeling and singing for years but i was still excited. lil baby cousin chasing her dreams, out there really doing it? awesome. i mean, this is my fave baby cousin who had the nerve to cuss me out (at 3.5 years old) if we didn't go to dairy queen once i picked her up from pre-school. i so wanna call her by her pet name because it's a rare event that i call her what her mama named her. but this ain't about me. ladies and gents, please support my cousin Raven and her excursion with the Electric Barbarellas. The first episode airs tonight, May 4th at 11!!!

Did you see my baby? isn't she purty? i'm gushing like a proud parent over here (and i am human-childless). I can't wait...good luck, Raven! love you lots!!!

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