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We only have One Shot

TrulyPosh is for the urbanely chic, cream of the crop. There's no classism going on here...we just want to celebrate those that are at the top. Top of their game. Top of their class. Top of the world/league/city/whatever. Top is top like best is best. And who can really afford to settle (for anything)? well...we don't. Bring your A game and we'll celebrate you because all good works deserve recognition.

Having said that...I want you in the virtual world to know that the philosophy here (for today at least) is that we only have One Shot. One Shot to represent who we are and what we're about, that is (first impressions are everything, right?) You know who else only had One Shot? We're just like the over-sized frame wearing, daisy duke pushing, retro-roller blading with one leg up, and old-school wop dancing Baron Davis. Watch the vid if you don't know what I mean.....

Crazy, right? That's do we mean? Follow the jump and we'll break down the similarities between TrulyPosh♥ and this slick gato....

1. Much like Baron, the TrulyPosh writers look hott in short, shorts. Scratch that.....we look hott in everything.

2. But beyond looks, we ooze personality and a quirky flair. DreamE could rock those coke bottle frames with some red bottoms and make it

3. We throwback and relish all classics, like Baron's boombox. I swear...the one he's using is the exact same one i stole from DreamE when we were kids.

4. Cool it now because you'll lose control if you mess with us for too long. Control is over-rated and we look for ways to break the rules on a daily. But we do want for you to keep your day job and not get so caught up in the craziness we'll be spewing over here.

5. We just wanna have the first to tell me where I can purchase a 'fit just like "Sam's" will get a free, life time subscription to Life & Style (courtesy of YeahRight)...old school roller blades must be included!!!

Oooooh, Watch Out....We're Gonna Rule the World :)