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Here They Are

the back of the stewie scarface shoes
The left side of my Baby's shoes

Okay, I did say that I would post more of my stuff... So here they are. These aren't even all of them. I got tired of uploading (my computer is sooooo bootleg! lol) Anywho, enjoy!! Oh Yeah p.s. ANY COLOR you see on these shoes I PAINTED on them. DreamE :0)

I thought putting all these colors together would work... and it does!

That friggin statue almost killed me!

I love Stewie and Scarface!

My dad went to Long Beach Poly High School

My baby loves Hello Kitty And Pink
My uncle had a Grey Laker sweatshirt and no shoes to match

The argyle was fun to do. The Skulls on the front and back of the Vans are my favorites. Not one pair of my shoes is the same even if I use the same character on two different pair. Sometimes not even both shoes in the pair are the same. I did lie a little bit though, the shiny orange pair I didn't really paint. I glued gold leaf paper on them.