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French Wave - Day 3

Hola, peoples!

This is day 3 with the new BSS hair and i must say that i'm still pleased. i guess the true test will be flat ironing this sucker and THEN seeing how it behaves: will it curl back up the same way? In any event...i'll cross that bridge when i get to it. *Great thing* there's no diana ross, i'm mufasa king of the jungle wild mane popping off once this hair dries. AND i've yet to experience any bunching. yippee! Watch and enjoy♥

and this is what it looked like 4 minutes later...not bad at all. And i said tack 2 minutes on to the vid and that would be my morning prep time? i was confused...take about 4-5 minutes off of the vid and that's how long it would take. I tend to avoid the narration and finding things to talk about when i'm doing my hair alone ;)

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