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Here They Are

the back of the stewie scarface shoes
The left side of my Baby's shoes

Okay, I did say that I would post more of my stuff... So here they are. These aren't even all of them. I got tired of uploading (my computer is sooooo bootleg! lol) Anywho, enjoy!! Oh Yeah p.s. ANY COLOR you see on these shoes I PAINTED on them. DreamE :0)

I thought putting all these colors together would work... and it does!

That friggin statue almost killed me!

I love Stewie and Scarface!

My dad went to Long Beach Poly High School

My baby loves Hello Kitty And Pink
My uncle had a Grey Laker sweatshirt and no shoes to match

The argyle was fun to do. The Skulls on the front and back of the Vans are my favorites. Not one pair of my shoes is the same even if I use the same character on two different pair. Sometimes not even both shoes in the pair are the same. I did lie a little bit though, the shiny orange pair I didn't really paint. I glued gold leaf paper on them.


Bring a Friend!!!

Aw Damn Y'all They Finally Got Him.... For Now

Thirteen years to the day at exactly eleven pm, O.J. Simpson was finally sentenced to life for the murders of his ex-wife and her friend by an ALL WHITE JURY. Only they say its for this crap that happened in Vegas...but we know. I'm not saying that he was our favorite black person over the past few years (i.e. that whole book thing) but come on, don't insult our intelligence and waste the Nevada tax payer's money by spouting these fibs. Just Say It. We know how bad you want him behind bars or something worse. The prosecution's own witness said it was a set up, or could the whole court room not hear that through their "hoods?"

I hope O.J. appeals this. And to white people if you want him sooooo bad
just wait he is O.J. he'll do something else. Maybe the next time you guys will get some better evidence omg! Get it together people I mean damn what's next are you gonna give him the death penalty for j-walking? LET IT GO try spending some of this "Get O.j. energy ( who by the way was your token hero back in the day) and find that damn Bin Laden. Good God that ass clown is 6"6 and diabetic in on of the poorest countries on Earth! But hey O.J. did try and get HIS OWN ish back from a thief how dare he!


Hey wait a minute! I just thought of something; isn't Charles Manson still alive after orchestrating some of the worst murders in history? And aren't some of those women out of prison ( don't quote me cuz I'm not sure I will look it up)? But i guess it's Down with O.J.! Don't get me wrong...what happened to his ex and her friend was horrible and i wouldn't wish it on anyone that I know. I just think if I were apart of those families, and I truly believed he did it ,i wouldn't be trying to make his life difficult. I would be looking for more evidence or trying to re-open the case ( if they aren't already). But all other people should stay out of it and keep their personal opinions about crap they really don't know about out of a jury ( for the most part).


Damn, Damn, Damn!

These lovely pairs of shoes were indeed created by me, DreamE. I know they're great (lol)! I absolutely love to create works of art out of anything I can get my hands on.That could be shoes, clothes, jewelry, home decor, etc. I have a lot more where this came from maybe i will post more later. However, I posted these particular creations for a reason. Anyone who knows me knows I will put "Grr-Animal" (yes I said it) on just about anything it's just my thing. So today I was in the mall looking at shoes for my equally if not more fly daughter who's five but I swear that heffa has been her before but that is a whole 'nother Oprah. I walk in to Kid's Footlocker and I see these Leopard print Air Force Ones in almost the same styles as mine (but not as hot). I was so pissed off I just walked out. The reason being: I have always been at leased a year ahead of these friggin "designers" and the next year they come out with some wack ass variation of my ish! That totally whomps guys!! It's my own fault though "I Be Bull Shitin'" ( Don't You just HATE when people talk like that, or it just me?).

I always keep my stuff between me and my family even though they are always telling me to put it out there. (Shut the Hell up P.Diddy I already know!) I think I'm just afraid to fail or something. I will just say this to Nike; Lookie here people if you are going to use this stuff hire me,dang it. I could make the shoes so much more fly then you have them. I mean dude, you are just wasting this hotness by not using it to it's full potential and in closing HIRE ME HIRE ME HIRE ME! I need a job! Okay, I don't know do you guys think that'll work?


Style Spotlight:
Sonia Rykiel

*RuPaul voice*!!!

I definitely need this sweater dress in my life....minus the cape. Hold up...I can keep the cape and totally rock this to whatever Halloween party I'll be attending this year! Scrap that idea too....the dress will be too hot once I start partying. So, eff it...I still need it in my closet. I can find 1,001 places to wear it to later on the down line. But the fact remains that....I'm lusting for it.

And I don't know who this model chick is....but I think she's pretty damn fly. No ethnically ambiguous look...just a beautifully brown fierce Superwoman working the hell out of the catwalk for fashion maven Sonia Rykiel's recent Spring/Summer '09 show in Paris, France.

Brown Beauty is NOT playing...and I loves it! If I only knew her name...because I surely recognize her face...I'd be on the fast track of becoming a Stan. go some more practical/functional fashion finds from Sonia Rykiel....

Loving this Dream Sweater♥

Perfect for a garden party....

images snatched from,,

More fun finds after the jump....

If I were a color...I'd be ALL shades of Pink.

Even the Parisians know what time it is in the States....Hot!

Soooo many things I could do (or imply) with this off-the-shoulder piece...sweeet!

S. Ry has been officially added to the list of my many inspirations.


Standards & Requirements...

When it comes to dating, two things are absolutely critical to the health and longevity of any relationship. No. Not good sex & conversation, you freak. What I'm talking about will help to determine whether or not you and your potential suitor even make it to the stage of having a "relationship." These two things being: Standards & Requirements.

Sounds simple enough, huh? Everyone has

Well...if you're one of those that needs to reassess what is important for you to consider when being courted (or courting) someone new, have a look at the list of questions below to see if there might be some qualifications that need be added to your list.

1. What are your short term goals?

2. What are your long term goals?

3. What is your relationship with your mother like?

4. What do you think of me?

5. How do you feel about me?

Please note that these questions were designed for women to ask men, as a way to weed out those whom are worthy of quality time rather than time wasters. However, they apply to women, as well. Follow the jump for reasons as to why these are 5 things you should know about your potential love partner. Yes...before you hit the sheets!

1. What are your short term goals?
Because anyone you're dealing with needs to have a futuristic vision and envision themselves doing something better. Short term: ranging from 6 months to a year from now.

2. What are your long term goals?
This goes back to the futuristic vision that was referenced in the first question. Again, this person needs to want more for themselves and have goals, hopes, and dreams that they are pushing towards. Complacency and stagnancy is a major turn-off and should could clue you in to the fact that this person doesn't have many hopes for his or her self. Bottom line is this: Your potential love partner can't want to be doing the same thing ten years from now that they're doing now. Please note that this encompasses all of areas life; not just limited to what a person is doing career wise.

3. What is your relationship with your mother like?
Ladies, this is especially important for you to know. How a man treats and regards his mother is indicative of how we will care for and treat you. After all...this is his mother that we're talking about. Consider that a boy's interaction with his mother is the first kind of relationship he will have with a person of the opposite sex. If he has no regard for her because she was a drug addict, career criminal, abandoned him, whatever...any major issues with mommy are clear indicators that you need to move on! At this point in his life, he's set in his ways and his lack of value/respect for women. Understand that it's not your job to raise a man that is supposed to be your partner.

Fellas, I guess the same could be said about a woman with daddy issues. If she was raised to think that all men are scum of the earth, cheating and conniving scum bags, then maybe you should let someone else deal with all of that baggage because it will prove to be difficult; erasing years of bad programming, that is.

This question should also segue way into what kind of relationship this person has with God, the Creator, a Higher Power, whomever you choose to praise and/or acknowledge as being more powerful than you. This isn't to say that Christians and Jews could never have successful relationships; because they can. But in as much as spirituality, you and the potential partner need to meet on some common ground where one can respect and accept the other's views and beliefs.

4. What do you think of me?
No, really....what do you think of me? Do you think that I'm witty? Funny? Intelligent? Sexy? What exactly do you think of me?

5. How do you feel about me?
This question is of the utmost importance because the response absolutely cannot be the same one that your potential partner gave you to question #4. The same answer means that the person isn't really thinking about or considering you. How a person thinks of you and how they feel about you are two totally separate things. Get it? Here's an example: I think that my best friend is a total slut bucket with low self esteem but I love and care for her deeply because I know that she has a beautiful heart and is fiercely loyal.

If the potential partner answers questions 4 and 5 the same....please, keep it moving! (although, i'll admit that sometimes...guys need a lil' hand-holding with these two questions. The subtle differences don't stand out as much to them.)

These are 5 things you need to know before you consider a serious relationship or romp in the hay with a partner. And if the partner gives unsatisfactory answers to any of the above....chuck the deuces and roll out. Maybe you two could be platonic friends but definitely not lovers...why should you lower your standards and settle for a partner that is unequally yoked? You wouldn't want to be with someone that just settled on being with you, now would you?

I didn't think so....and good luck♥


We only have One Shot

TrulyPosh is for the urbanely chic, cream of the crop. There's no classism going on here...we just want to celebrate those that are at the top. Top of their game. Top of their class. Top of the world/league/city/whatever. Top is top like best is best. And who can really afford to settle (for anything)? well...we don't. Bring your A game and we'll celebrate you because all good works deserve recognition.

Having said that...I want you in the virtual world to know that the philosophy here (for today at least) is that we only have One Shot. One Shot to represent who we are and what we're about, that is (first impressions are everything, right?) You know who else only had One Shot? We're just like the over-sized frame wearing, daisy duke pushing, retro-roller blading with one leg up, and old-school wop dancing Baron Davis. Watch the vid if you don't know what I mean.....

Crazy, right? That's do we mean? Follow the jump and we'll break down the similarities between TrulyPosh♥ and this slick gato....

1. Much like Baron, the TrulyPosh writers look hott in short, shorts. Scratch that.....we look hott in everything.

2. But beyond looks, we ooze personality and a quirky flair. DreamE could rock those coke bottle frames with some red bottoms and make it

3. We throwback and relish all classics, like Baron's boombox. I swear...the one he's using is the exact same one i stole from DreamE when we were kids.

4. Cool it now because you'll lose control if you mess with us for too long. Control is over-rated and we look for ways to break the rules on a daily. But we do want for you to keep your day job and not get so caught up in the craziness we'll be spewing over here.

5. We just wanna have the first to tell me where I can purchase a 'fit just like "Sam's" will get a free, life time subscription to Life & Style (courtesy of YeahRight)...old school roller blades must be included!!!

Oooooh, Watch Out....We're Gonna Rule the World :)